Body Scrubs

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Eucalyptus Body Scrub 18 oz.Eucalyptus Body Scrub 18 oz.

Eucalyptus Body Scrub  has pure Himalaya pink salt with Eucalyptus essential oils to give you a gentle but deep exfoliation to nourish the hair and to remove body odor.
❖ May help with cold and flu ❖ Hair nourishment ❖ Hand cleaner ❖ Sinus and Allergies ❖ Natural home care ❖ Odor remover ❖ Air cleaner ❖ Spot remover ❖ Respiratory problems ❖ Wound treatment.

Lavender Body Scrub 18 oz.Lavender Body Scrub 18 oz.

Lavender Body Scrub  has pure Himalaya pink salt with Lavender essential oils to give you a gentle but deep exfoliation to relax your muscles.

Apply Lavender Massage Oil when you have tight and sore muscles or have sustained an injury. The oils will be absorbed quickly into the blood stream, thus assisting the body and mind.

Lemongrass Body Scrub 18 oz.Lemongrass Body Scrub 18 oz.

Lemongrass Body Scrub  has pure Himalaya pink salt with Lemongrass essential oils to give you a gentle but deep exfoliation to tone and tighten the skin.  Our scrubs also contain extra-moisturizing oils.

One major lemongrass essential oil benefit is its skin healing properties. Add lemongrass oil to shampoos, conditioners, deodorants, soaps, and lotions. Lemongrass oil is an effective cleanser for all skin types; its antiseptic and astringent properties make lemongrass oil perfect for getting even and glowing skin.

Surprisingly, lemongrass essential oil is used as aromatherapy to relieve muscle pain, externally to kill bacteria, ward off insects, and reduce body aches.

Rosemary Body Scrub 18 oz.Rosemary Body Scrub 18 oz.

Rosemary Body Scrub  has pure Himalaya pink salt with Rosemary essential oils to give you a gentle but deep exfoliation to alleviate muscle and joint pain.

Increase Circulation
Rosemary oil is one of the easiest ways to improve circulation in your body.
If you’re experiencing muscle cramps, cold hands and feet or muscle soreness, then massage a little rosemary oil, mixed with a carrier oil, into these areas regularly.

Of course, even just relaxing in a bath with added rosemary essential oil will help the immune system by reducing stress, one of the main causes of poor immunity.

Alleviate Muscle & Joint Pain
The German Commission E – the scientific advisory board of the German version of the FDA – has approved rosemary essential oil to treat both muscle pain and arthritis.
Simply apply a little oil to the aching joints or muscles and its analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties will soon kick in.

Sage Body Scrub 18 oz.Sage Body Scrub 18 oz.

Sage Body Scrub  has pure Himalaya pink salt with sage essential oils to give you a gentle but deep exfoliation to soften and nourish your skin.  Our scrubs also contain extra-moisturizing oils
Other benefits:
Soothes Dry, Sensitive Skin
Restores Balance
Helps Reduce Stretch Marks
Helps to keep Skin looking Healthy and Youthful
